From Daily Word: “Life” (“Vida”)



I cherish the gift of life.

I create my life with my outlook, my choices, my thoughts, beliefs, and actions. I have the power to be grateful, even while experiencing disappointment. I can be loving, even in the face of anger.

What I choose to energize will determine the tone of each day. My attitude creates waves of energy as my life resonates at the frequency I send out.

I choose to claim my life as a precious gift. I make lists of things for which I am grateful. I speak words of love to my friends and family. I share smiles with strangers. I help where I can, and I cherish every single moment I have.

I live and breathe within the All-ness of God, and I see blessings bursting forth in new and exciting ways every day.

Posted with permission from Unity @






Atesoro el regalo de la vida.

Creo mi vida mediante mi perspectiva, mis decisiones, pensamientos, creencias y acciones. Tengo el poder de ser agradecido aun cuando siento desilusión. Puedo ser amoroso incluso ante la ira. Aquello a lo que doy energía determinará el tono de cada día. Mi actitud crea ondas de energía a medida que mi vida resuena a la frecuencia que emito.

Elijo reclamar mi vida como un regalo valioso. Hago listas de aquello por lo cual siento agradecimiento. Digo palabras de amor a mis familiares y amigos. Comparto sonrisas con extraños. Ayudo donde puedo, y atesoro cada momento que tengo.

Vivo y respiro en la plenitud de Dios, y veo que las bendiciones surgen de maneras nuevas y emocionantes cada día.

Publicado con permiso de Unity @

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Beautiful message on Life who is just there for us in all her gifts and essences. Fabulous words, Amira.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much dear Kamal! I find that keeping a gratitude journal or being grateful for our daily blessings really help us to stay positive 🙂 ❤


      1. Yes absolutely true Amira and being thankful every moment is to stay positive. Welcome dear.

        Liked by 1 person

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