HAIBUN AND HAIKU: “Yetis” (Haibun y Poema Haiku sobre los Yetis)

Photo credit: movie “Harry and the Hendersons” (1987) –   HAIBUN: After watching a beautiful animated movie called “Smallfoot” I was so amazed at the message this movie had for children and especially for adults. It was quite a disclosure, and it touched my heart. It left a very positive and happy feeling: the hope…

HAIKU POEMS: “New Year” (Año nuevo)

New Year   A New Year begins… A new chapter, a clean slate… A chance to re-boot!   Let’s review the good, Build upon it and improve, Our hearts be our guides!   (Let’s make our dreams of harmony, Peace, Compassion, Love, Truth, & Respect, a reality for all!) Amira   Año nuevo   Comienza…

SHAMANIC SERIES: Learning from animals Haiku poems: “Beaver” (Castor)

National symbol of Canada   “Beaver”   Work ethic, order, Perseverant, industrious, Cooperation, Hope!   Teaches:   -Don’t procrastinate! -Balance work-play-family -Have faith, build your dreams!   (Also: -Change is your friend, Stay flexible and ready to invent, -New horizons and hope for your family and home) Amira Símbolo nacional de Canadå Series chamánicas, aprendiendo…

Learning from Nature HAIKU POEMS: “Delicate flower” (“Flor delicada”)

“Skeleton flowers are unique flowers which turn transluscent upon exposure to water and rain. Its white petals become completely clear, then transform back to their original milky white color once dry.”Diphelleia grayi, the scientific name of the Skeleton Flower, can be found in only three parts of the world. The plant grows on moist, wooded…

HAIKU POEMS: “Christmas Season” (“Temporada de Navidad”)

  “Christmas Season”   Colorful bright lights, Evergreen and spice sweet scents, Families and friends…   Reminds us of:   Generosity, Kindness, cheer, charity, warmth, T’is the Season (of) Love! —— Keep it in your heart All year long! Amira   “Temporada de Navidad”   Luces de colores brillantes, Olores dulces de hoja perenne y…

SHAMANIC SERIES: “Teachings from the Shaman” (Series chamánicas: “Las enseñanzas del chamán”)

(Photo credit:  “Jaguar priestess”  https://earthdancecircle.wordpress.com/2013/01/24/jade-ring-of-power-awakening-the-heart-of-the-jaguar/) “Teachings from the Shaman”   Breaking free from time, Dreams health into being, Writes a new story!   Speaks language of (the) Soul, Piercing into (the) future, And healing the past…   Teaches:   -There’s only ONE Spirit -We co-create reality -Time is not linear   (Also:  We’re linked to…