Spiritual poems: “The Garden” by Trina Graves


The Garden

The garden is created
Beautiful in simplicity
With the purest of flowers
And a baby, sapling tree

The temporary gardeners
Nurture with great care
Developing the garden
With the love they share

But busy with life
Tasks to do, no end
Some weeds will grow
They can’t always tend

The tree is always growing
Rooting deep in the Earth
It’s core strength develops
To branch out in self-worth

Seasons come and go
Years pass quickly by
The gardeners relinquish
For the owner to try

With supervision at first
The owner will learn
Where to place attention
And what is of concern

Much advice is given
And many seeds added too
By visitors to the garden
As they walk through

Tended often, or not at all
The garden will always grow
Flowers planted or self-seeded
Some develop fast, others slow

Most owners don’t weed at all
For many, many years
Until they come to realize
It’s developed all their fears

Venturing into their garden
Overgrown, some parts dense
Thistles, vines, thorns, weeds
The scale of the task.. immense!

Pulling on one single vine
Can reach far and wide
It was strangling many plants
They would have all died

An abundance of thistles
Prickly bushes causing injury
Overpowering all simple flowers
No light of day could they see

Starting in a corner
Pulling weeds, just a few
Brings a sense of relief
Clarity begins to seep through

Working in the garden
Clearing, no longer a chore
The owner now perceives
Simple beauty known before

Maybe clearing a path
Adding a seat in the sun
Enjoying the peace
Meditation begun

Opening the garden
To the Spiritual Reality
Communion with God
Ever there to simply be

Trina Graves – 18th August 2020

Posted with permission from the author. To find out more about this poem, please visit Trina’s site @ https://spiritualquotestoliveby.wordpress.com/2020/09/30/the-garden/

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Jeff Flesch says:

    WOW. LOVE.❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Jeff!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. LindaP says:

    What a wonderful analogy from Trina! Loved this beautiful poem!! Bless you today Amira.Love, Linda

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Linda! All my love back to you wishing you a lovely Sunday! ❤ ❤ ❤


  3. Trina Graves says:

    Thank you Amira for sharing. I am far behind with catching up on emails etc.., so, sorry my thanks has taken so long.
    Much Love, Light & Blessings ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No worries Trina! Happy New Year! I am also mostly away from blogging at this time. Big hugs and much love and light back! ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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