Do you know the power of silence? by Damodar Das @ SpiritMeaning (re-blogged)

Silence is golden, it is an adage. If you focus on positive actions, actions become powerful weapons. You don’t need words to defend your actions. Your actions are enough to prove your mettle, not to the world but your deepest self.

If you decide to dedicate your life consciously to the enhancement of your inner self, you don’t need to bother about what’s happening in the world. A man of great deeds is a man of realization. Every positive thought transforms into powerful action sooner or later. Your thought can transform the world around you and this is a scientific fact. You don’t need special powers to change the world around you! It is the potency of your inner discipline that makes you a man of great deeds. You do not need the world to support you. You create your world.

But the positive thoughts that build your personality comes from deep within yourself. It comes from the very core of your existence, where it is utterly silent. The real challenge you will encounter is to get to that silence that drives your thought into a positive direction. That silence is accessible only through intense spiritual discipline and not through any mechanical worldly practice. Thoughts have power and yet this power is generated only by that silence that is yet to be stirred up. Know that through the practice of inner self-discipline you have access to the source of thought itself that drives the engine of your actions. If you are determined to silence yourself in the first place and decide to rid yourself of all those unwanted thought patterns that suck up all your energy, you have a chance to gain access to that source and take complete charge of your life.

Have you thought of introducing moments of silence in your life through practices like meditation? Do you feel that maintaining silence has contributed to inner strength? Do you get an idea of what is right or wrong in your life? Share your thoughts in the comments section. Feel free to get in touch.

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12 Comments Add yours

  1. Ladysag77 says:

    I’ve been called to go inwards lately and also wrote about the importance of listening to one’s own rhythm. I enjoy my quiet time in solitude, it’s where our truth lies and our connection to soul❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I totally agree with you Maria, and I personally also want to dedicate more time to the journey within so I am going to take a break from the blog as well. Wishing you a wonderful and insightful inner journey filled with beautiful discoveries, Amira ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ladysag77 says:

        Yes my dear Amira❤ sounds wonderfully rejuvenating. I took a 3 wk hiatus last month and I’m on a sort of mini one now. It’s alwaus good to return to our center❤ I know this time for you will be special 🥰


        1. I hear you… I think we all need to do this to re-charge and nourish our souls. We need to listen to that call, and you did well to follow it. 🙂 Perhaps these present times are even more necessary than ever for us to remain balanced and aligned, caring for our inner peace while remaining open hearted. Thank you so much Maria, I am looking forward to it! ❤

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          1. Ladysag77 says:

            Yes my dear, I’m in complete agreement. I have done some traveling too and being a sensitive medium, I need to adhere to my own energy and those around me. I follow my intuition or else I get burned. Working with Spirit as I do regularly has taught me the hard way enough times to learn🙏

            Liked by 1 person

          2. I agree! You have to listen to your intuition especially when working with others in need. Sometimes we tend to disregard that inner voice and we keep going but sooner or later it catches up with us.

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          3. Ladysag77 says:

            Exactly….I’ve done an overhaul to my self care routine to safeguard against paying that price😊

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Powerful and profound post on Silence and to go within. At times break away from everything and sit in our own silence to know who we really are. Great one, Amira.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely true dear Kamal! I will be taking a break from the blog, to dedicate more time to go more deeply within. I have been hearing the call to do so. Until my return, all my best wishes to you and your family always! Much love and light, Amira ❤ 🙂


      1. Love and hugs and when the call comes you must heed the call. See you on the blogging site when u come back.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

        Liked by 1 person

  3. What a brilliant and informative story with strong opinion
    You are amazing loved it


    1. Thank you so much Selena for your visit and beautiful comment! 🙂 ❤


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