Shamanic series, learning from animals HAIKU POEMS: “Tiger” (Serie chamánica, aprendiendo de los animales: “Tigre”) Amira


Shamanic series, learning from animals: “Tiger”


Royal, strong, smart, swift,

Aware, adventurous, bold,

Agile, patient, brave…




-Learn to face your fears

-Spice your life with adventure (new cultures & flavors)

-Take time to be still (and listen)


(Also: -Be comfortable and confident in your own skin,

-Keep an independent streak,

-take a leap in consciousness and raise your awareness,

-Look through the darkness (open your vision),

-learn to focus your mind on your goals)


Image result for images tigers

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Serie chamánica, aprendiendo de los animales: “Tigre”


Majestuoso, fuerte, inteligente, veloz,

Consciente, aventurero, audaz,

Ágil, paciente, valiente …




-Aprende a enfrentar tus miedos.

– Sazona tu vida con aventura (nuevas culturas y sabores).

-Toma tiempo para estar quieto (y escuchar)


(También: -Siéntete cómodo y confiado en tu propia piel,

-Mantén tu linea de independencia,

– Da un salto  y eleva tu conciencia.

-Mira a través de la oscuridad (abre tu visión),

-Aprende a enfocarte en tus metas)



4 Comments Add yours

  1. Trina Graves says:

    Wow, the timing on this one Amira!!! 🙂
    I had just been given the title of my next ‘Affirming The Classics’ poem to re-write (Footsteps Of Light) and as I sat down to check emails I was thinking, ‘but have I the courage to tell the ‘About’ part?’ and then instantly this poem arrived!
    Every sentence has meaning to me, and tells me to ‘bold’, ‘brave’ and ‘face my fears!’
    Thank you for your ever-enriching and inspiring wisdom.
    Bless you ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow Trina! This is so good to hear! I am thrilled! The tiger has always been an animal I am so dearly attracted to! I believe it always gives us a message of strength, power, beauty. It’s so encouraging to hear you say this. I love the synchronicities that are happening with you. I think you are really on a great soul journey dear friend, trust your heart, don’t over think it, take a bold leap! I look forward to reading what comes from this amazing inspiration you received!!! ❤ All my love, Amira

      Liked by 1 person

  2. LindaP says:

    Beautiful poem and such beautiful creatures! Love,Linda

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I agree with you Linda! They are so majestic! ❤


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