SHAMANIC SERIES Haiku poems, Learning from animals: “Squirrel” (Aprendiendo de los animales: “Ardilla”)

white-squirrellPhoto credit: albino squirrel Pinterest

Learning from Nature: “Squirrel”


Resourceful, clever,

Energetic, expressive,

Excellent planner!




-Prepare & plan ahead

-Live in tune with the seasons

-Balance work and play


(Also: -There’s time for everything,

-Let down your defenses, -Learn to trust more!)



Aprendiendo de la naturaleza: “ardilla”


Ingenioso, inteligente,

Energético, expresivo,

Excelente planificador!




-Prepara y planea por adelantado

-Vive en sintonía con las estaciones.

-Equilibria el trabajo y el juego.


(También: -Hay tiempo para todo,

-Baja tus defensas, -¡Aprende a confiar más!





8 Comments Add yours

  1. Anita Bowden says:

    How beautiful! I don’t think I have ever seen a white squirrel!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, some of them are white, but many are also “albinos” when they have red eyes. We had a family in the hospital where I worked in Toronto. There are some towns in USA and Canada that also have them, “White Squirrel Capital of the World,” Olney, Illinois, Kenton, Tennessee is home to about 200 albino squirrels. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Anita Bowden says:

        Wow! Amazing! I learn something new from you all the time, dear Amira!!! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I am glad to hear that, I get to learn as well so I like to share it 🙂

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  2. LindaP says:

    I have never seen a white squirrel either! Thanks Amira! Love,Linda

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Linda! ❤ Love and hugs back! ❤


  3. inaloveworld says:

    Beautiful, Amira! It is the first time I see a white squirrel! Thank you for sharing! ❤ 🔆 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh you are most welcome dear Manuela!!! 🙂 ❤

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