POEMS: “Letters from your newborn” by Trina Graves


Letter From Your Newborn

Dear Mummy and Daddy,
No matter what happens between us, during my childhood I will love you unconditionally.

You are my guide, my support, my lifetime anchor…
for whatever becomes of me depends on our time together.

From you I will learn what love is. I will learn to be confident or shy, giving or selfish, loving or cruel.
I will learn what is right and wrong, who I should respect and whether I should love and respect myself.

As I come into this world, into your tender care, I am a pure, clean sponge. I will soak up every look, every touch, every thought, every word, every feeling and they will mould me into the person that I will become.

So in the days, weeks, months and years ahead – please remember that – every thought, feeling, word, touch, and look… I will absorb.

If you treat me with love, caring, respect, tolerance, forgiveness and understanding – even when I do things wrong – then I will grow up into a kind, considerate, confident, loving, responsible, happy child and adult.

But if you treat me with intolerance, uncaring, harshness, words of anger and neglect…
I will be… sad.

Trina Graves – 22nd December 1997

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Posted with permission from the author

To find out more about this poem please visit Trina’s site at:


5 Comments Add yours

  1. Trina Graves says:

    Thank you for sharing Amira. ❤


    1. Always my pleasure dear Trina 🙂 ❤

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  2. LindaP says:

    I find it sometimes frightening to realize the effect we have on our children and sometimes I wish I could have done a few things differently!Being a very young parent myself I had to learn as I went as most of us do! Love and blessing Linda.


    1. It’s so true, as to everything we do in life… we were born without a “manual” on how to live, how to be parents, to be sons or daughters, to be good friends, etc… each role we play, we had to learn as we go on…
      However, we should not feel bad, because if our intent was pure and we did the best we could with what we knew at the time, and within the circumstances we were in, as long as it comes from the heart, we did well. I am sure you can see this by the wonderful kids and grand-kids you embraced in your love! You always had an open heart filled with love, and you cannot go wrong with that! 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Trina Graves says:

      I was a young parent too Linda, but I think all parents would change something about the way they brought up their children. I agree with Amira that we all do the best we can do with what we know at that time.
      Love, Light & Blessings ❤

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